Day 1
Kilometres for the Day: 82.16km
Elevation for the Day: 709m
Elevation for the Day: 709m

Day 2
Kilometres for the Day: 88.55km
Elevation for the Day: 383m
Elevation for the Day: 383m

Day 3
Kilometres for the Day: 71.35km
Elevation for the Day: 443m
Elevation for the Day: 443m

Day 4
Kilometres for the Day: 48.09km
Elevation for the Day: 549m
Elevation for the Day: 549m

Day 5
Kilometres for the Day: 58.35km
Elevation for the Day: 644m
Elevation for the Day: 644m

Highlight Reel
We're still friends
TOTAL Kilometers: 348.5kms | Elevation: 2,728m